Ina - Fachri

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Our Baby

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 16, 2009

Expensive industry

such expensive industry...
"once in a lifetime" reason often used to maximize prices and elaborate expenses sometimes more than one can afford..
The same food sold in the cafeterias and food courts or malls can be charged three or four times higher in a wedding catering.. sometimes even with lower quality. A simple dress or 'kebaya' tailored with a slight complexity for the bride may cost millions just because of the 'bride' tag in the dress.. The photographer's fee may be twice as much as a regular event.
Sometimes i just wanna hide and get married quietly without all the big hush hush and all those money spent to entertain hundreds of people i hardly know..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saat cinta itu mulai luntur, ingatlah bahwa.............

"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Cinta kepada manusia lain tidak akan pernah abadi.. hanya cinta kepada ALLAH lah yang akan kekal selamanya..
Jangan pernah mencintai ku karena apa yang ada pada diriku.. tapi cintailah aku karena ALLAH SWT...
(dan begitu pula lah sebaliknya.....)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Future couple..

@ kawinan windi...
Thanx to Windi's mini studio and Ezi's camera.. serta didorong oleh keisengan Ezi dan mba Dhuny... akhirnya kami berpose di mini studio yang sudah mulai ditinggal empunya karena lagi sibuk moto-motoin pengantin dan keluarga di pelaminan..

sayangnya, karena berkeringat, bedak dan make-up ku sudah mulai luntur... :(

Puji syukur kehadiratMu Ya ALLAH SWT, karena telah menghadirkan dia dihadapanku, menjawab doaku...
Mudahkan jalan kami untuk mencapai ridho dan berkahMU, tetapkan hati kami untuk istiqomah di jalanMU...
Berikan kami kesabaran dan keluasan hati untuk menjalani hidup yang telah kau gariskan untuk kami...

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Finally, the big inevitable change has to my life...
No longer will i solely cruise this life because a wonderful person now walks beside me and together we will walk until death do us part..

I am truly grateful for this blessing and hopefully this lasts forever..