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Monday, March 24, 2008

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun.....

One of my cats died. Hit by a car, so they said. We don't what exactly happened or when.
He didn't come home for days. We went looking but he was nowhere to be found. A neighbor finally told us that she found a dead cat in her garbage box. Her description matched our missing cat.

He was very strong. He survived many illness. That's why we never thought that he would die this way.
When he was little, both his rear feet was paralyzed for unknown reason. Yet he kept crawling everywhere, especially in reaching his food bowl. Before reaching full recovery of that bizarre sickness, he got bitten by an insect. We suspected it was a bee. It made his neck swell therefore he couldn't bend it. Eating and drinking became a torture for him for he had to throw his head to the bowl to reach the food. He had to 'hammer' he head to the bowl, and he survived.
We also have reason to believe that he fracture his spine and healed, because he was the only cat (that i know of) that could sit the way he does.

I miss him, every day.

Overweight or obese? I choose Healthy

I've always been overweight almost all my life... i think.. According to the Asian standard of body mass index, i fall in the obese category. However, my weight has never taken me aback from my confidence. I don't have the supermodel figure and i don't need that. I'm happy the way I am as long as I'm healthy.
Having reviewed my weight gain in the past three years, it has taken me aback that i gained over 10 kgs, which i consider very unhealthy. I need to get back to where i was three years ago, even if it would take another three.
Start by exercising regularly. I started static cycling again since it's the only facility available within reach that i could think of.
Then my brother introduced me to body combat - an aerobic work out. Then i remembered that i had the jane fonda aerobic excercise video.
Combining all three regularly plus controlling my calorie intake, i should be on the right track to a healthier life.

CCF Poster

Walking pass an aisle, i saw a CCF poster, advertising the course as usual. It's been a while since i was reminded of this wonderful experience.... I spent 4 years there. Although it was only four hours a week, still felt like a life time. Sometimes i get bored..but who doesn't. Now, i kinda missed those good old days.... Wish i could have the time and resources to take that course again. My French is depleting by the moment....